Upper Respiratory Infections in Children

Because their immune systems are still developing, children are often prone to different types of infections and sicknesses. One common issue that children may deal with is known as an upper respiratory infection. This can cause your child to sniffle and sneeze. They may feel unwell and it’s important that they’re able to get the care that they need to start feeling their best in no time. Dr. Michael Taymor and Dr. Laura Rimawi in Palo Alto, CA, can explain upper respiratory infections in children and how they need to be dealt with. 

Dealing with Upper Respiratory Infections and Children

When it comes to taking care of your child, you want to make sure that you have an understanding of the common illnesses they may suffer from. Upper respiratory infections are common and can often be associated with the common cold. They may also occur from RSV, influenza, and adenovirus.  

Common symptoms of an upper respiratory infection include: 

  • Runny or stuffy nose 
  • Sneezing 
  • Coughing 
  • Mild fever 
  • Sore throat 

Germs are easily spread between children and it’s important that you teach your child prevention methods. This includes washing their hands frequently, covering their mouths when coughing or sneezing, and avoiding close contact with sick individuals.  

When your child is dealing with upper respiratory infections, your pediatrician in Palo Alto, CA, can help you give your child the relief they may need. It’s important that you ensure your child is getting plenty of rest and hydration. If needed, over-the-counter medications can help with fever and congestion. If your child has difficulty breathing or a persistent high fever, you need to visit their doctor as soon as possible. 

Contact Our Pediatrician Today 

Make sure that your child’s health is being managed. Contact Dr. Michael Taymor and Dr. Laura Rimawi in Palo Alto, CA, to learn about upper respiratory infections in children and how they can be dealt with. Call for more information and to schedule your appointment today at (650) 321-7722.

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