Nose in Distress: Navigating Pediatric Upper Respiratory Infections

Upper respiratory infections are common, especially in children, who can sometimes experience these multiple times per year. They are typically not a cause for concern, but if you are concerned about your child's upper respiratory infection you should contact your Palo Alto, CA, pediatricians, Dr. Michael Taymor and Dr. Lama Rimawi.

Respiratory System

The respiratory system encompasses all the organs and structures in your body that help to control breathing. A respiratory infection happens when the respiratory system becomes infected by exposure to either a virus or bacteria.

An upper respiratory system refers to infections that affect primarily your sinuses and throat.

Respiratory Infections

Upper respiratory infections are very common in children, especially if they attend either school or a daycare when they can more easily become exposed.

Usually, children who suffer from upper respiratory infections can have their symptoms managed at home until the virus passes.

But you should contact your child's doctor if the symptoms do not improve or if you are concerned. Especially if they're showing symptoms like high fever or difficulty breathing, which may require emergency treatment.

Common Types

There are different types of upper respiratory infections that your child could become exposed to, the most common ones are listed below.

None are as common as the common cold with symptoms like runny nose, sneezing, and a recurring cough, among others.

Although the common cold and the flu, influenza, have similar symptoms, the latter is not considered an upper respiratory infection as it affects more than one system in the body.

A sinus infection typically follows either the cold or the flu and happens when a virus or bacteria infect the sinuses, causing them to inflame and result in pain.

Ear infections are also often a result of your child being exposed to a cold, the flu, or another illness.

Treatment for Upper Respiratory Infection in Palo Alto, CA

If your child is experiencing upper respiratory infection symptoms you can schedule a consultation with your Palo Alto, CA, pediatricians, Dr. Taymor and Dr. Rimawi, by dialing (650) 321-7722.

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