Common Breastfeeding Challenges: Solutions and Support

After comparing your options for feeding your little one, you may have decided that breastfeeding is the best option for you and them. However, sometimes, you may face challenges during your breastfeeding journey. Fortunately, some tips can help, and you always have Dr. Michael Taymor and Dr. Lama Rimawi in Palo Alto, CA, for support. 

Latch Problems

 Initially, a baby might not latch on to your breast to feed. It may take some encouragement with an oral sucrose solution. A breast shield can also make it easier for your little one to latch. Sometimes, an infant may have an easier time if you pump the milk and allow them to drink from a bottle.

However, the latch problem could be that your child is tongue-tied. Luckily, a practitioner from our Palo Alto, CA, office can correct this. 

Sore or Tender Breasts 

 In the early days of nursing your little one, you may develop sore or tender nipples. When your child starts teething, they may use your nipples to soothe their tender gums, leading to aching or tender breasts. 

You can use ice to ease some of your discomfort. This method could also come in handy whenever your infant first latches on. Apply the ice shortly before, so you don't feel any discomfort when they go to latch. 

You can also use a nipple cream to take away some of the pain. If that's not enough, over-the-counter pain relievers can help, but you should always consult with us or your obstetrician before you take anything. 

Clogged Milk Duct 

 A clogged milk duct can be painful for you and frustrating for your hungry tot. One way to alleviate the clog is to let your child nurse from that side until it unclogs. You could also massage the area to help the clog along. 

Low or High Milk Supply 

If your milk supply is too high, make sure you switch sides frequently. Another way to help is to take cues from your child as to when they want to eat rather than going by a strict schedule. And if you're worried about wasting your ample supply, feel free to donate your milk. 

For a low supply, allow your baby to eat directly from the breast rather than pumping whenever possible. When you're away from your little one, be sure you're pumping routinely to continuously encourage lactation. Make sure that you drink ample fluid and eat a healthy diet. 

If you're having trouble breastfeeding, please contact our Palo Alto, CA, office. We're here to help and can assist you in reaching your breastfeeding goals and making sure your baby remains fed. 

Call for an appointment today at 650-321-7722.

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