Essential Newborn Care: 10 Things You Should Know

Going home with a new baby is an exciting time. Establishing a healthy care routine, however, can be overwhelming for patients. At Michael Taymore M.D., a pediatric clinic based in Palo Alto, CA, Dr. Michael Taymor and Dr. Lama Rimawi are on standby to answer new parents' questions. It's a great idea to consult with a trusted doctor about best practices in all the different aspects of newborn care. Read on to learn 10 key points for keeping your family's new addition happy and healthy.

1. Feed the Baby Often

Newborns eat often. A good guideline is every 2 or 3 hours, but it's okay to feed them whenever they show signs of hunger, such as rooting or sucking their fingers. Be sure to follow any formula guidelines.

2. Keep the Head Safe

A baby's head is soft for the first few months of life. They have soft spots until their bones fully develop, so it's important to avoid pressure or other stress on these areas. If you spot something concerning, reach out to your doctor.

3. Change the Infant's Diapers

Change diapers whenever they are dirty in order to prevent diaper rash.

4. Keep an Eye on the Infant

Newborns shouldn't be left unattended for long spans of time.

5. Learn the Baby's Cries

Babies have different cries to communicate different needs. Over time, you'll be able to distinguish these from one another.

6. Take Care of Yourself

A parent's newborn care is only as good as their self-care. Try to carve out time to rest, exercise, chat with friends and family, or whatever else may be important while caring for your new baby.

7. Stay in Contact with your Doctor

Don't hesitate to call your doctor with any concerns or questions. It's better to ask a silly question than to be uninformed! 

At Michael Taymore, M.D., Dr. Taymore and his team of friendly staff are on standby to help with all his Palo Alto, CA, patients' newborn care needs.

8. Bond with the Baby

Spend time holding and playing with the child. This helps establish the parental bond and is essential for the child's self-regulation and development.

9. Perform all Necessary Doctor Visits

Go in for any well-child visits and vaccinations that may be needed. Don't hesitate to go in for anything that's concerning.

10. Take it Easy

Newborn care is difficult, so don't be hard on yourself for making mistakes. Just go with the flow and enjoy this time with your child!

New parents in the Palo Alto, CA, area can always reach out to Dr. Michael Taymor and Dr. Lama Rimawi. Call (650) 321-7722 or follow this link to schedule an appointment.

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9:30 AM - 12:30 PM 2:30 PM - 5:00 PM
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9:30 AM - 12:30 PM 2:30 PM - 5:00 PM